PHOTO: Elizabeth Parker

Elizabeth Parker

Elizabeth “Ellis” Parker, MSN, RN-BC, CNE is the recipient of the 2021 Jane Eleanor Knox Scholarship. She is entering her third year in the Doctor of Education in Nursing Education program at Teachers College, Columbia University in New York, NY. This scholarship is particularly meaningful to Ellis as Jane Elanor Knox obtained both her master’s and Doctoral degrees in Nursing Education at Teachers College. Ellis chose to apply to Teachers College after an exhaustive search for a program that offered a terminal degree with a true focus on education in nursing. 

After a brief foray in music education, Ellis obtained her associates degree in nursing before attending Western Governor’s University for the accelerated RN to MSN track. She graduated with a Master’s in Nursing Management and Leadership. Throughout this time she worked at the bedside and obtained certification in medical-surgical nursing.

Shortly after completing her MSN, Ellis knew her calling was to return to education. She feels particularly strongly that the field of nursing education lacks education experts. When hired as faculty in 2016, she felt though she was a competent practitioner, she lacked the background in education itself which could provide the best possible opportunities for her students. With the help of a strong mentor, she grew in the role of faculty and simulation facilitator in a Bachelor of Nursing degree while seeking a doctoral program that matched her goals.

She began her journey at Teachers College in 2019. She became a Certified Nurse Educator in 2020. In preparation for her coming dissertation, she is focusing on simulation research and had a manuscript on virtual simulation in response to COVID-19 accepted for publication in Nursing Education Perspectives August 2020. She has plans to become a Certified Healthcare Simulation Expert in summer 2021. Further research goals are primarily in simulation as she hopes to contribute to, or perhaps even establish, a prebriefing framework. 

Pleased with her current role as faculty, Ellis is focusing on growing through scholarly pursuits that she may more efficiently contribute to her students and her department. Only through continuing education can she expand her capability to enrich the learning environment. Teachers College has and will expose her to new ideas, collaborations, experiences, and methods that improve her practice. Furthermore, it opens the door to future career possibilities including tenure and directorship. Ultimately, her goal is to remain a life-long learner.

“In times of change, learners inherit the earth while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.”- Eric Hoffer.

Beyond her role in the classroom and lab, Ellis spends any extra time working as a content developer for a nursing education company or by participating in service activities. Most notably, she aided in the local effort to provide COVID-19 vaccinations to public school employees in the surrounding counties. She rarely misses an opportunity to interact with the university and surrounding community.

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